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group exhibition, Badenfahrt Mättelipark Baden,  2023

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these flowers are all friends, 2023

painting, mixed media on canvas, 260cm x 170cm, photo Lara Vehovar

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these flowers are all friends, 2023

painting, mixed media on canvas, 260cm x 170cm, photo Lara Vehovar


exhibition view: Mikrokosmos

group exhibition, Badenfahrt Mättelipark Baden,  2023, photo Lara Vehovar

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these flowers are all friends, 2023

painting, mixed media on canvas, 260cm x 170cm, photo Lara Vehovar



these flowers are all friends, 2023

painting, mixed media on canvas, 260cm x 170cm, photo Lara Vehovar




detail of these flowers are all friends, 2023

painting, mixed media on canvas, 260cm x 170cm, photo Lara Vehovar


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detail of these flowers are all friends, 2023

painting, mixed media on canvas, 260cm x 170cm, photo Lara Vehovar


detail of these flowers are all friends, 2023

painting, mixed media on canvas, 260cm x 170cm, photo Lara Vehovar

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